Numerous reports from cybersecurity specialists confirm the need to protect business infrastructures and systems in the face of an increasingly complex threat scenario. In order not to get lost in a marabout of figures and statistics, let’s keep a few: worldwide, cybercrime causes losses to businesses of more than $1 trillion a year, compared to $600 billion in 2018, and this amount could rise to $10.5 trillion by 2025.
The cost often leads to damage to the brand’s reputation and, as a result, customer confidence is also damaged. Due to this high price that a data breach or a failure in the availability of services can have, it is not surprising that cyber security is one of the priorities of the IT teams during the year that has just begun, after a 2020 in which both the volume and the severity of attacks have increased.
IT systems are now more vulnerable following the outbreak of the coronavirus
The cybercrime has not stopped its activity because of the global crisis, but has adapted quickly to the circumstances to take advantage of the new opportunities. Thus, the various reports confirm that all types of attacks have increased (phishing and social engineering, ransomware, financial malware, phishing, etc.). All of them were already on the rise, but they have been able to be more effective by taking advantage of the situation and interest generated by the pandemic.
From a strictly business point of view, organisations have seen their perimeter extended with a large part of their staff working remotely, which has the direct consequence of increasing the area of attack and, in parallel, the digital transformation has accelerated, which has its great enabler in cloud deployments.
The cloud is becoming the standard for gaining flexibility, scalability, cost control and agility, and with more workloads and data in this model, it is clearly necessary to articulate a cyber-protection strategy that includes security measures and data governance, as well as ensuring regulatory compliance.
Syntax’s vision of cybersecurity
In Syntax’s cloud trend forecasts for 2021, our specialists emphasise that this year will see a general increase in demand for cloud infrastructure and, in line with this, there will also be a strong increase in the consumption of all technological services from the cloud in order to achieve greater scalability, flexibility and speed in the delivery times of digital services to the organisation.
In this scenario in which “everything is cloud”, companies cannot afford security failures. This is why it is going to become a business decision if the corporate security position is not to be weakened at a critical time.
From Syntax’s perspective, companies and their IT partners must join forces to avoid errors that could lead to misconfiguration or unauthorised access, which are currently the main threats identified by companies.
In addition, the current situation requires more attention to this issue with a strong industry response, through alliances and training initiatives, which close possible doors to cybercrime.
The keys to protecting data in the cloud, from AWS, SAP and Syntax
In this context, over the coming months we will be putting special emphasis on helping our customers to secure their workloads in the cloud through various initiatives. One of these was the webinar “How to secure your SAP data on AWS?”, which took place on 27 January.
During the session, AWS, SAP and Syntax analysed the cybersecurity and compliance challenges facing organisations, and reviewed the cybersecurity solutions and services that both AWS and SAP have to monitor vulnerabilities and identify intrusions or unusual behaviour patterns at both the IT infrastructure and application layers, and be able to react.
This event, which also addressed topics such as data sovereignty and how to create synergies between AWS and SAP to optimise the cyber protection strategy, is available now.